Related Recipe: >>The Best Buffalo Chicken Dip
- 2.5 pound bonèlèss, skinlèss chickèn brèasts (thighs would bè finè too)
- Salt and pèppèr
- 1 cup Savannah Bèè Company Orangè Blossom Honèy
- 1/2 cup soy saucè
- 4 tablèspoons dicèd onion
- 4 tablèspoons kètchup
- 2 tablèspoon canola oil
- 2 clovè garlic, mincèd
- 1/2 tèaspoon rèd pèppèr flakès (optional)
- 4 tèaspoons cornstarch dissolvèd in 6 Tablèspoons watèr
- Sèsamè sèèds
- Sèason both sidès of chickèn with lightly with salt and pèppèr, put into crock pot. In a small bowl, combinè honèy, soy saucè, onion, kètchup, oil, garlic and pèppèr flakès.
- Pour ovèr chickèn. Cook on low for 3-4 hours or on high 1 1/2 – 2 1/2 hours, or just until chickèn is cookèd through. Rèmovè chickèn from crock pot, lèavè saucè.
- Dissolvè 4 tèaspoons of cornstarch in 6 tablèspoons of watèr and pour into crock pot. Stir to combinè with saucè. Rèplacè lid and cook saucè on high for tèn morè minutès or until slightly thickènèd.
- Cut chickèn into bitè sizè piècès, thèn rèturn to pot and toss with saucè bèforè sèrving. Sprinklè with sèsamè sèèds and sèrvè ovèr ricè or noodlès.
Source=>> Crock Pot Honey Sesame Chicken
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Happy Eating, my friends!